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Welcome to One-Click Wonder Photography.

Ahhh, the first experience of a snow flake hitting your cheek, the first adrenaline rush of mountain biking, the first string of notes you play on an instrument...the first whiff of freshly ground coffee. There’s always a first spark, which ignites a stream of passion in our lives. For us, it was realizing the enduring excitement of reliving those emotions through photographs. There seems to always be the one, one click, which captures a scene of inexplicable emotions. Through a life centered on ever-churning transition, we have realized the invaluable nature of remembering our most valued experiences. Sean spent more than 20 years manipulating photos, traveling the world, and attempting to maximize critical moments with his family. A career in the Army forces you to realize the temporary nature of experiences. Your location, your kids’ ages, your schedule are all examples of transitive time periods, where the intersection of those variables will never again be the same. This unique perspective sparked a life of capturing memories and cherishing moments of what makes family, friends, and personal growth such powerful emotions. Now, instead of using photos to drive intelligence production for the Army, Sean, along with his daughter Peyton, focuses on helping others realize the importance of capturing critical moments in life. From getting married, to buying your first house, to starting your career, to traveling to your favorite location, we help capture the important elements of those experiences for you and your family. We hope you consider the joy found in a single click.

Okay, here’s our personal info: When we’re not mountain biking or riding motorcycles in southern Arizona, we love traveling and having philosophical campsite discussions about the important things in life. Sean holds a Masters degree in Christian Apologetics from Liberty University, which seems to be a constant topic of conversation among friends who love debating the nature of truth, life, competing worldviews, and everything in-between (including photography). Thankfully, Peyton brings a much needed lovable no-nonsense demeanor to our business of creating memories. A thoughtful, reserved facade hides a smart, always engaged mind, which finds imaginative ways to capture memories for any generation. In the end, we love taking pictures, creating artistic expressions, and sharing the love and enduring wellspring of joy enabled through timeless memories. Thank you for visiting with us and getting to know us a little better.